General Information

Jerson Kelman was born in Rio de Janeiro (1948), has been married since 1970, has two children and five grandchildren. He is a civil engineer (EE-UFRJ, 1971), master in hydraulics (M.Sc. COPPE-UFRJ, 1973), PhD in Hydrology and Water Resources (Ph.D., Colorado State University, 1976) and Free Lecturer (EE- UFRJ, 1985).

During 47 years he was a part time professor of water resources at COPPE-UFRJ. In this capacity, he served on 67 M.Sc. or D.Sc. exam boards (in 27 as advisor).

He was one of the creators, director, and president of ABRH (Brazilian Association of Water Resources).

He chaired the task force designated by President Fernando Henrique Cardoso to investigate and explain the 2001 electricity rationing.

He is the author of two books, "Floods and Hydroelectric Use" (1983) and "Challenges of the Regulator" (2009), 37 book chapters, 29 book prefaces, 127 scientific or technical articles, 308 articles published by the most influential Brazilian newspapers and 548 conferences and lectures.

Professional activity

• CEO of SABESP, a water concessionaire in the State of São Paulo serving 28 million people (2015-2018).

• CEO of ENERSUL, an energy company in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, serving 2 million people (2013-2014).

• CEO of Grupo LIGHT, an energy company from the State of Rio de Janeiro, serving 4.5 million people (2010-2012).

• Partner at BR - Investments (2009).

• Director-General of ANEEL, Brazilian Electric Energy Agency (2005-2008).

• President of ANA, Brazilian Water Agency (2001-2004).

• Special Advisor to the Minister for the Environment (1999-2000).

• World Bank consultant (1997-1998).

• Technical Director of SERLA, Authority of Rivers and Lakes of the State of Rio de Janeiro (1991-1996).

• Researcher at CEPEL, Electric Energy Research Center (1976-1990).

Current participation in the following boards

• Member of the Board of Directors of IGUÁ (private sanitation company).

• Member of the Board of Directors of EVOLTZ (private electricity transmission company).

• Member of the Board of Directors of ORIZON VR (private company dealing with final destination of solid waste)

• Member of the Advisory Board of E + Painel.

• Member of the Energy Committee of the Brazilian Academy of Engineering

• Coordinator of the Water and Sanitation Energy Committee of the Brazilian Academy of Engineering

Past participation in the following boards

 Chairman of the Board of Directors of ENEVA (private electricity generation company, with 2.2 GW of installed capacity).

• Advisory Board of FEBRABAN (Brazilian Federation of Banks).

• Board of Directors of SABESP, the water concessionaire in the state of São Paulo.

• Board of Directors of ELETROPAULO, an electric energy company in the metropolitan region of São Paulo.

•Board  of Directors of ONS, the Operator of the Brazilian Electric System.

• Board of Directors of COSESP, the insurance company of the Government of the State of São Paulo.

• Board of Directors of ABDIB, Brazilian Infrastructure Association.

• International Advisory Board of ABENGOA, Spain.

• UNESCO-IHE Advisory Council, Institute for Water Education, Netherlands.

• Board of Trustees of FBDS (Brazilian Foundation for Sustainable Development).

• CNPE, Brazilian Energy Council.

• CMSE, Brazilian Electricity System Monitoring Committee.

• CONAMA, Brazilian Environment Council.

• CNRH, Brazilian Water Resources Council.

• Member of the Advisory Board of E + Painel.

• Infrastructure Committee of FIESP, the Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo.

• Energy Committee of FIRJAN, the Federation of Industries of Rio de Janeiro.

• Global Water Practice Advisory Board of the World Bank. (WB)

• Task Force on Water Security, Global Water Partnership (GWP).

• Stockholm World Water Week Scientific Committee (SWW).

He is a member or received awards from the following institutions

• King Hassan II World Water Grand Prize of the World Water Council.

• Commander of the Order of Rio Branco (Ministry of Foreign Affairs).

• Commander of the Order of Scientific Merit (Ministry of Science).

• Medal Order of Legislative Merit of the Chamber of Deputies.

• Medal Order of Legislative Merit of the State of Minas Gerais.

• Albert Sabin Medal from the City Council of Rio de Janeiro.

• Flavio Terra Barth Award from ABRH (Brazilian Association of Water Resources).

• Member of ANE (Brazilian Academy of Engineering).

• Eminent Engineer at A3P (Association of Former Students of the Polytechnic).

• Colorado State University's Distinguished Engineering Alumni Award.

• Francisco Gonçalves Aguiar Award from the Ceará State Water Resources Council.

• Fellow of the International Water Resources Association - IWRA

• Fellow of the International Water Resources Association - IWR

Troféu Dom Quixote, conferido pela Revista Justiça e Cidadania.

• ABRAGE, personality of the year.

• APINE, personality of the year.

• ABRADEE, personality of the year.